"Al Kahf " de mon enfance ..

"Al Kahf " de mon enfance ..

dimanche 6 avril 2014

To Mr Ban Ki Moon UN Secratary General

Mr Ban Ki Moon , UN secratary Gal
Décember 4 , 2011 ;

In vertue of your high and eminent function to carry out this honorary office , you have certainely taken to heart , to resolve disputes between States by peaceful means and reprimand including the use of other means other than diplomatics the recalcitrant ,in view of for greater justice and the interest of the poeples and peace in the world.

But this was not always the case , since already the creation of this institution ,at the end of World War II , the justice was not always his strong point since 1945 , some nations have assumed unilaterally the right to veto , with its implications in disorder and injustice, wich prevents the resolution along the lines of fairness and justice to emerge ,this is evident and can be seen for sexty years in the coflict of Middle- East , not to mention , that this construction on the unjuste and unstable basis giving carte blanche to powerful that encourage them to commit any kind of crimes because of this cynical veto ,noted in the question of Irak : under false reasons we destroyed a country , causing hundred of thousands of dead , those responsables for this horrible crime , the faithless , the lawless the G.W.Bush , D .Cheney and their wicked accomplices have quiet retirement in their ranch in hinterland amercican .

For the same reason we never demand accomtability of US officials responsable of imprescriptible crime against humanity and war criminals US Who first used the weapons of mas destruction such as the Atomic Bomb , the two nuclear bomb dropped on the poeple of Japan : there’s enough to throw out the baby with the bath’s water as the saying goes english .


We see evry daya t the UN , there are two weight and two measures

No resolution againste Putin’s Russia who crushed the Tchetchen’s revolt in bloodbath.
Neither no resolution against the despotic China ‘s governement who overrun Tibet and treat with cruelty the peaceful Tibetan’s poeple .

To the Islamic Republic of Iran all means are good to persuad him to adopt « Nucear Knowledge  » , when Israël who first introduced these weapons in the Middle East there is deafening Silence radio.

We the poeple of the earth we do not want this flagrant injustice of double standards .
Mr UN secratary you know better than anyone that this revolution in arab world « arab’s Spring »is just the begining of the eruption of a volcano wich toggle only a few governement that put the interst of the poeple of the earth and justice above all .
Desorder and imbalance facing our planet threatens the existance and survival of mankind .

Get Mr Secratary Genaral the assurance of my respect and sincere greeting and let me greet you with the Islam’s greeting :Assalamu Alaykum : « Peace Be Upon You  ».

Caen –  Normandy december 5, 2011

Achora 10 moharram 1433,

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